Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sneak Up

Things sneak up on you:  finals, exams, this and that, without explanation.  When you develop skills and power, you sneak up on them.

Every Monday from 11-12 at 242 César Chavez, Native American Student Development will host a Sneak Up.  Our goal is to help you develop the tools, skills and style you need to achieve the goals you've set.

The first Sneak Up will take place on Monday September 12.

Please feel free to suggest topics you'd like covered.

We will alternate between study skills, research opportunities, grant writing (and getting) and off campus opportunities.

Look for a full schedule to appear soon.  For now check in for the latest.

September 12Planning Your Semester (when to get help, where, and procrastination--how not to do it).  What to do with that syllabus (bring yours along!).

September 19NERDS

September 26The Elements of Style and a Suitable Design (Grammar and Organization)