Monday, August 1, 2011

NASD Leadership Program-Job Description

Native American Student Development Student Leadership Program
Paid Positions-Job Description

Native American Student Development Leadership Program participants will establish and nurture an academic culture for Native American students on campus.  The Leadership Program will foster this goal by: 
1.     Contextualizing American Indian Intellectual Activity.
2.     Creating a place for American Indians inside the academy (institutes of higher education).
3.     Guiding and supporting NASD Leaders on their personal journeys.
4.     Performing all NASD work under the guidance of NASD program specialist (Dr. Reid Gómez).

Skill Development:
·      Develop a Shared Vocabulary (within NASD, NAS and the Academy)
·      Understand History
·      Understand Context
·      Oral Presentations/Meetings
·      Writing (memos, journal, web and blog entries)
·      Integrate Theory and Education with Practice
·      Individual Academic Development: Develop an Area of Expertise
o   Identifying Personal Strengths
o   Identifying Personal Weaknesses
o   Identifying and Developing Core Interests
o   Goals (setting, reaching, evaluating, and reassessing)

Qualifications, Requirements and Restrictions: 
These requirements apply to all students working with Native American Student Development, whether paid, enrolled in credit opportunities, or participating as volunteers:

Personal Qualifications:  Leadership Program participants should be passionate about Native American issues in education (NASD) as well as their own personal academic development.  They must demonstrate a determined, rigorous, and uncompromising commitment to academic student development, and the ability to cooperate and collaborate.  They should also possess patience, ingenuity, and the ability to engage meaningfully with people from diverse backgrounds and departments.  All student leaders will be expected to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner (professional, courteous, thorough).

Academic Qualifications:
1. Students should have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
2. Students cannot have more than two “Incomplete” grades.
3. Students must be in good academic standing (i.e., not on academic probation).
4. Students must agree to abide by all University and NASD Policies.

Requirements (Job Description) for Student Leadership Participants:

Attend (at least 2) Individual Meetings with Dr. Gómez:
·      First week (30 Minutes):  Set Personal Goals
·      Last week (30 Minutes):  Review Personal Goals

Attend Weekly Seminars and Business Meetings (1-1.5 hours):
·      Discussion of Readings:
o   Tribal Secrets:  Recovering American Indian Intellectual Traditions, Robert Allen Warrior, 1997, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis
o   Power and Place:  Indian Education in America, Vine Deloria Jr., and Daniel R. Wildcat, 2001, Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, Colorado
o   Fifty Miles from Tomorrow: A Memoir of Alaska and the Real People, William L. Iggiagruk Hensley, 2010, Picador First Edition, paperback
·      Discussion of Individual Projects and Assignments
·      Conduct NASD Business

NASD Work (completed by Leadership Program participants):
·      Outreach:  UCB Student, Staff and Faculty, generate NASD/AIGP Web Blog content, implement NASD Communications Plan
·      Academic Support Liaison:  facilitating the Hump @ NASD Academic Tutorials, developing relationships with UCB academic support services and departments
·      Programming: the Hump @ NASD,  and NASD monthly events, NASD Mentorship Program
·      All Individual work assignments to be decided at NASD weekly business meetings