Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Profiles-Gonzalo Arrizon

NASD has the good fortune to have Gonzalo Arrizon with us at the Student Learning Center.  He is passionate, kind and an incredibly gifted teacher.  As an ally he is incomparable.

His specialty is study strategies. 

This semester he will be teaching several Education 98 classes (sections 14 and 15).  He will also be leading a Study Strategies and Writing Workshop at the International House on Thursday evenings (5-7 pm).  I encourage you all to attend.  These sessions will compliment the work we will be doing at our sneak ups.  (Please check the SLC's website for additional information on Gonzalo's workshop.)

Study strategies include but are not limited to:  Time Management & Procrastination, Motivation & Goal-setting, Effective Reading Strategies, Exam Preparation and Performance, Lecture Note taking, Writing and Research, Public Speaking, Studying and Learning, and Campus Resource referrals and information.

For more information about study strategies at the Student Learning Center please visit their site:

Gonzalo's Education 98 Sections:
Ed. 98, Wed 1-3, Section 14
Ed. 98, Thursday 2-4, Section 15

He will also be available for individual consultations on Mondays and Tuesdays.  You can contact him at or 642-1330.  His office is located at 144 Chavez.